2023 Cultural and Natural Heritage Day Anhui main event launches in Wuhu

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June 10th is the "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" of 2023. On June 9th, the main event of the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day in Anhui Province was launched in Wuhu City.

At the opening ceremony, the Wuhu Station of the Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology was unveiled, and the digital products of Wuhu Iron Painting and the achievements of the "One Building, One Handbook" project of excellent cultural relics and buildings in Wuhu City were released. The Wuhu Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the School of History of Anhui University.

This year's main event also includes folk parades, the 25th anniversary exhibition of the Renzi Cave Site Archaeological Excavation, the "Wuhu Iron Painting" theme exhibition, the original Huangmei Opera performance of "Romance about Iron Painting", the Anhui provincial intangible cultural heritage tour, and the intangible cultural heritage market, etc., which concentrated on showcasing the achievements of cultural heritage protection and utilization work, and created a strong atmosphere of widespread attention to cultural heritage protection.

During the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, various activities with rich content and diverse forms were held throughout the province. In Bozhou, a national historical and cultural city, a exhibition was held to comprehensively showcase the latest achievements of Bozhou's archaeological work from 2018 to 2023. In Hefei City, archaeological experience activities were carried out, leading primary and secondary school students to the archaeological site in the urban area to experience the excavation of cultural relics up close. In Shexian County, the "Wonderful Night of Huizhou Ancient City" event was launched, and the public's awareness of cultural heritage protection was enhanced through immersive park tours.

According to statistics, cultural and tourism departments, cultural relics units, and cultural and museum institutions in various parts of Anhui Province organized more than 230 online and offline activities during the Cultural and Natural Heritage Day, enriching the cultural life of the masses.

Reported by Chen Xinran

Translated by Zheng Chen

编辑: 郑晨



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