Anhui has invested 1.16 billion yuan in ecological protection compensation funds this year      阅读 

Reporters learned from the Provincial Finance Department that since the beginning of this year, Anhui has invested a total of 1.16 billion yuan in ecological protection compensation funds. The province continues to improve the policy system for ecological protection compensation, promoting the improvement of ecological environment quality.

In terms of coordinated regional development, the Provincial Finance Department has "upgraded" the ecological compensation pilot project in the Xin'an River Basin. The total scale of compensation funds between Anhui and Zhejiang provinces has been increased to 1 billion yuan, of which the provincial finance department has allocated 320 million yuan to support diversified compensations in industry and talent. To advance the "major protection" of the Yangtze River, 100 million yuan has been allocated for compensation funds, implementing horizontal ecological protection compensation in the Yangtze River Basin with upstream Jiangxi Province and downstream Jiangsu Province.

In terms of improving environmental quality, the Provincial Finance Department has improved the comprehensive ecological compensation mechanism within the province, allocating 336 million yuan to implement ecological compensation for surface water sections throughout the province, incentives for environmental air quality, and ecological compensation for the water environment in the Dabie Mountain area. This achieves full coverage of provincial-level water and air ecological protection compensation for all 16 cities.

In terms of ecological security, the Provincial Finance Department strengthens the protection of wetlands and natural conservation areas. It has coordinated and allocated 45 million yuan to support the protection and restoration of important wetlands such as Shengjin Lake, implementing wetland ecological benefit compensations. Furthermore, 23 million yuan has been allocated to support the protection of wild animals and plants as well as first-grade ancient and famous trees.


编辑: Qin Shuying



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